18th Nirantara Kalemane Festival: 2nd Sri Purandaradasa and Sri Thyagaraja Aaradhana Nritya Mahotsava on Jan. 22

Sri Purandara Thyagaraja Kalemane National Award Ceremony

Mysuru: Kumar Performing Arts Centre (KPAC), Mysuru, will present its 18th Nirantara Kalemane Festival, 2nd Sri Purandaradasa & Sri Thyagaraja Aaradhana Nritya Mahotsava and Sri Purandara Thyagaraja Kalemane National Award Ceremony – 2023 at Kalemane Sabhaangana in Vijayanagar 2nd Stage, on Jan. 22 at 3.30 pm.

Prof. Lingaraja Gandhi, Vice-Chancellor of Bengaluru City University, Bengaluru, will be the chief guest.

Sri Purandara Thyagaraja Kalemane National Award-2023 will be conferred on the following Bharatanatyam Gurus: Vidushi Padmini Sreedhar of Nritya Gaana Academy of Performing Arts, Bengaluru, Vidushi Usha Harish of Nrityopasana Kala Kuteera, Bengaluru, Dr. Kesavaraja Balakrishnan, Founder-Director of Sri Jayakrishna Arts Abode, Chennai, Kalayogi Guru Pulikeshi Kasturi, Artistic Director of Shantala Arts Academy, Vidushi Veena Gangadhar, Artistic Director of Natya Taranga Nrityalaya, Vidushi Radhika Chari Sridharan, Artistic Director of Rdance School, Bengaluru, Vidushi Roopa Kiran Kumar, Harmony Music and Art Centre, Dubai and Kuchipudi Guru Vidushi Manjula Palla Indraganti of Natyahela Kuchipudi Dance Academy.

Dance features

Purandaradasa Devaranama and Jagadaanandakaaraka  performance by the disciples of KPAC, Mysuru; Concept and Choreography: Karnataka Kalashree Dr. K. Kumar, KPAC.

Dudukugala performance by the disciples of Natyantaranga, Bengaluru; Concept and Choreography: Guru Vidushi Samudyatha Bhat.

Saadinchane by the disciples of Shantala Arts Academy; Concept and Choreography: Kalayogi Guru Vidwan Pulikesh Kasturi.

Kanakana Ruchira by the disciples of Sri Jayakrishna Arts Abode, Chennai; Concept and Choreography: Guru Vidwan Dr. Kesavaraja Balakrishnan.

Endaro Mahaanubhavulu by the disciples of Shriganesha Sangeetha Nrithyalaya Charitable Trust, Mysuru; Concept and Choreography: Guru Vidushi Arathi Arun.

Performances to the Devara-namas/compositions of Sri Purandaradasa by the disciples of Nritya Gaana Academy of Performing Arts, Bengaluru; Concept and Choreography: Guru Vidushi Padmini Sreedhar;  Performance by the disciples of Natyahela Kuchipudi Dance Academy, Bengaluru; Concept and Choreography: Guru Vidushi Manjula Palla Indraganti.

 Performance by the disciples of Nrityopasana Kala Kuteera, Bengaluru; Concept and Choreography: Guru Vidushi Usha Harish.

Another performed by the disciples of Harmony Music and Art Centre, Dubai; Concept and Choreography: Guru Vidushi Roopa Kiran Kumar; performance by the disciples of Rdance School, Bengaluru; Concept and Choreography: Guru Vidushi Radhika Chari Sridharan.

Performance by the disciples of Natya Taranga Nrityalaya, Bengaluru; Concept and Choreography: Guru Vidushi Veena Gangadhar.

This post was published on January 17, 2023 8:01 pm