5 Lovely ´Thank you´ Gift Ideas For Your Co-workers

Image: pixabay.com

With the average American spending about 35 hours week at work, we often see our coworkers more than our own families. As a result, many of us develop close relationships with our coworkers through spending so much time with them. 

We often form friendships that last long after the work relationship is over. We overcome challenges with these people, celebrate successful project completions, and get to know them, their interests, their hobbies and their families.

Over time, it becomes relatively common for longtime coworkers to give and receive gifts from and to one another. While you may get your coworkers a gift for their birthday or as a part of a secret santa gift exchange, getting them a thank you gift can also be a nice thing to do. 

Whether you do it because they helped you on a big project, covered for you on a shift or you simply want to show appreciation for their role at the company, they will cherish it. Everyone loves getting a gift from time to time, especially one that they may not have expected.

It shows them you care and are thankful for their efforts, while also strengthening your bond with them. But what sort of gifts can you get for your coworkers that they are sure to love? Well, that is exactly what this article is going to take a closer look at. Read on to learn more about some lovely gift ideas to show thanks to your coworker.


Image: Pixabay

One of the most popular gifts to give to anyone from a coworker to a family member are flowers. They can have a variety of meanings behind them, and are sure to brighten anyone’s day. These are just some of the reasons they continue to be the go-to gift for millions all over the world, to celebrate a variety of holidays and occasions.

While you could head down to a local florist to get some flowers, this isn’t always the best option. Often their stock is lacking, and the flowers may not be as high-quality as you’re looking for. Instead, why not consider an online thank you flowers delivery service? These allow you to shop for high-quality flowers online, choose from dozens of different options, and have them sent right to your intended recipient’s doorstep. 

No matter where your coworker decides to put the flowers, they will certainly improve the aesthetic of the space. Flowers are also incredibly versatile, and will work well in any environment. The color, theme or look of your coworker’s home doesn’t matter, as there are several different colors and styles of flowers to choose from. Some are large and colorful, while others are smaller and more toned-down.

This gift is as simple as finding out the type of flowers your coworker enjoys, making the purchase online, and having them shipped right to their home or the office. Of course, make sure you get flowers that are fresh, and make sure your coworker isn’t allergic or sensitive to the type of flower you buy for them.


Another of the best thank you gifts for coworkers are some delicious snacks. People love to eat, and these make a great and simple gift that no one should be upset by. This could be anything from a birthday cake, to some of their favorite chips, to bakery-made pastries or anything in between. 

You could buy these from a store, have them custom-made by a professional or even create them yourself if you are up to the task. Food often brings people together, and providing your coworker with their favorite snacks is sure to only help your relationship grow.

Whether they decide to take the treats home, or keep them at their desk, you can be sure that some tasty snacks will certainly put a smile on their face. Always be aware of their allergies and avoid bringing in snacks to the office that other staff might not be able to be around.

Their Favorite Beverages

Like snacks, beverages make another great choice to give as a gift. If they are a fan of coffee, you could get them a nice new mug, with some bags of their favorite flavored coffee to enjoy. This sure to help give them the burst of energy and focus they need on those difficult days at the office.

If they aren’t a coffee drinker, you can get them anything from tea, to hot chocolate, to their favorite soda. If they are of age and enjoy some alcohol every now and then, a nice bottle of wine or whiskey makes a good choice, too. Every time a drink is poured, they will be grateful for your kind gesture.

In order to make sure you get the right beverage, it can be a good idea to ask them ahead of time what they like, or try to observe them and see their preferences. While things like coffee, tea or hot chocolate are generally safe bets, the last thing you want to do is get someone a gift they don’t like, so do your homework.

A Subscription Box

Subscription boxes have seemingly taken over the world in recent years. With many people being incredibly busy, subscription boxes can help by shipping a variety of goods right to your door every month, automatically. There are hundreds of different boxes out there to choose from. Many will ship all over the globe, and are incredibly affordable for what you get in the boxes.

Some of them will deliver snacks to you monthly, some will deliver beverages, some clothing, some books, and some can even give you beauty or wellness products. There are also many aimed at pets, children, family activities, cooking and a variety of other hobbies. Surely more will be released in the coming months and years, as well.

No matter the interests or passions of your coworker, or the hobbies they have, there is certainly a subscription box out there that they will enjoy. Most feature very high-quality products that are often completely exclusive to these boxes. They will love getting a new group of products or items each month, and even the opening of the box itself is often an enjoyable experience.

This is also a gift that keeps on giving as they will continue to get a new box for as long as you decide. You could simply get them one singular box as a test, could get them a box for a couple of months, or even longer. Some of these boxes can even allow the recipient to choose the items they will receive, so keep that in mind, as well.

Who knows, this box could even entice your coworker to continue the subscription on their own going forward.

A Creative Work-Related Gift

Sometimes, the gift you want to give someone to show your thanks will be specifically-related to where you work and the type of work you do. For example, if your work involves a lot of heavy lifting and tough labor, giving them a gift card for a massage would be appreciated. This can help them relax and get any sort of work-related pain taken care of.

Also, if you work on your feet a lot, treating them to a pedicure to keep their feet in great shape can be a good choice, too. The options are truly endless and the exact gift will depend on what goes on in the workplace and where you work.

You could also opt to give them some more serious work-related gifts that they will get to use in and around the office. This could be anything from letting them use your parking spot, to giving them a fun card that is good for one free covered shift at work. You could even agree to help them on an upcoming project or give them priority when it comes to using a certain machine or piece of software, as well. All of this can help have a measurable impact on the quality of their workday.

Of course, be sure to get permission from your boss or management before offering things like this to make sure it is okay and allowed.  If not, you run the risk of potentially facing discipline or getting the coworker in trouble, as well. 

A gift doesn’t always have to be something physical that you give to your coworker. These other types of gifts can certainly make life a little easier for your coworker, which is always a good thing.

In conclusion, these five gifts are great for saying thank you to your coworkers. Whether you are thanking them for their help on a big project, or simply appreciating them in general, these are great choices to consider.

People love to be shown appreciation in the workplace for their effort. While a paycheck and a “good job” can be enough for some, a thank-you gift can truly boost the morale of a coworker.

This post was published on June 16, 2021 6:23 pm