80 fall ill at Siddalingapura: Two test positive for cholera

Mysore/Mysuru: As many as 80 residents of Siddalingapura village suffered from vomit and diarrhoea from May 25 to 30 and two persons among them have tested positive for cholera.

While one person tested positive for cholera on Wednesday, another tested positive on May 30.

Sources in the Health and Family Welfare Department said that, both the patients are stable and there in no need to worry.

Out of 80 people, 63 are adults and 17 are children. It is learnt that many of them have recovered and a few are still undergoing treatment, with no major issues to worry about.

The village has a total of 927 houses with a population of 3,865 people. Water to these households are supplied from five borewells, two Reverse Osmosis (RO) plants and two overhead water tanks. Out of five borewells, water from one borewell has been certified as not fit for drinking purpose and the reports of other four borewells are awaited, sources said.

The Health Department officials and staff are conducting door-to-door campaigns and creating awareness among the people, besides collecting required information. Treatment facility has been made at Naganahalli Primary Health Centre (PHC), Department sources said.

This post was published on June 1, 2024 7:42 pm