A fitting homage to a gentle soul


Thank you very much Vikram Muthanna for your write-up titled “Cheers & Goodbye” on late Ponoo Muthanna — ‘Ponoo Uncle to us Choniras’ — in Star of Mysore dated June 22.

 You have aptly lighted up his virtuoso soft spoken and subtle humour! In plain language, he was witty! And ladies, he made each one, old or young, enjoy his raconteurs and not at all in an offending way.

Also K.B. Ganapathy’s much admired column ‘Abracadabra’ titled “Ritz Ponnu’s Last Supper” in SOM dated June 23 was an apt tribute. Ponoo’s appealing nature to everyone, more so to the fairer sex, has been written aesthetically. A fitting homage to a gentle soul!

— C.K. Aiyanna, Mysuru, 23.6.2024

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This post was published on June 27, 2024 6:55 pm