A rare sighting…

Oriental White Eye (Zosterops Palpebrosus) is a tiny greenish yellow bird with a prominent white ring around its eye, thus gaining its name. These are generally seen in a flock of five or more birds actively hunting for tiny insects on the shrubs, bushes and foliage of trees. They subsist largely on flower nectar and pulp of fruits and berries.

Their breeding season is ideally between April and July. They build their nest in the shape of a cup using cobwebs and tiny twigs. Both the male and the female bird share the parenting duties. Unfortunately, due to rapid urbanisation and loss of habitat, their numbers are decreasing and spotting this bird now in the wild is rare.

This picture was taken at Bogadi, Mysuru, by Star of Mysore reader Saurabh Thakur.

This post was published on July 3, 2019 6:13 pm
