Acquiring abundance and wealth

Feng Shui will help you rearrange what you have to create the best possible visual impression, so that your home will look more orderly, more balanced, and more beautiful. With a little bit of resourceful thinking, you can make Feng Shui work just by re-imagining how you can use the things you already have. The few specific decorative items used in Feng Shui that you may wish to purchase, like plants, mirrors and chimes, are not too expensive. So even if you do indulge in a bit of shopping to complete your Feng Shui project, it would be worth the effort and time invested. No doubt for a proper arrangement and correct Feng Shui, you would need some professional advice and guidance.

The fundamental principle of any Feng Shui or Vaastu design is based on the premise that nature’s energies should be in balance in a place of dwelling or work. Any Energy imbalance could cause disturbances and could lead to discomfort and illness too. Human body and mind has a great impact and gets affected due to change in energy in the immediate surroundings.

For women, the handbag is part of her appearance, dress and make over. Hence, the kind of energy the handbag exudes has a strong influence on the person carrying it. A woman’s handbag or the men’s wallet is also the place where he or she carries wealth and financial power. Hence, proper care and maintenance of the handbag or the wallet is essential.

For a women, an attractive, organised purse makes her  feel better and more in control of her life and same is the case of wallets for men. When the wallet or handbag is in a mess and you can’t find anything when you need, there is a sense of loss.

Some simple suggestions to maintain good energy in a wallet or handbag are:

• Keep your handbag or wallet elevated: Never put them down on the floor, suspending it on a hook is acceptable but “grounding” it is supposed to drain away the auspicious Chi of the bag.

• Organising the coins: Do not dump small coins into your purse where it will fall to the bottom of the bag and reflects a sense of disrespect to the money you possess. Organising it in a coin purse ensures that not only it is well-preserved but easily accessible when required.

• Preserving keys: Dumping keys into the bag along with money is also bad Feng Shui as it symbolises quick “exit” of wealth like opening a door. Use key organisers or even better, it can be hooked onto the purse edge for easy access.

• Keep the wallet and purse clean: Do not dump half eaten food, chewing gums and bits & pieces of used paper or tissues into your hand bag as it is not a trash can but a container of your personal wealth. Of course, carrying fresh unconsumed food is acceptable not left overs and things which should go to the trash can.

• Maintaining balance: Do not use up all the money in your wallet or hand bag and never keep them empty. Ensure that you always have residual balance in your wallet or handbag because emptiness signifies break in cycle of your wealth flow.

• Loving your wallet or hand bag: Take proper care of your wallet or handbag and if you wish to buy a new one, don’t buy it unless you absolutely love it and then treat it that way as long as you possess it.


This post was published on August 23, 2021 6:05 pm