Add-on programme for M.Com students by SDM-IMD

The value add-on programme on ‘Essentials of Management’ for M.Com students of SDM Mahila Makkala Koota (SDM-MMK) was designed and offered by SDM Institute for Management Development (SDM-IMD), Mysuru, from May 16 to 31. Certificates were awarded to students.  Speaking on the occasion, Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director, SDM-IMD, said ‘the opportunities to update the skills for young graduates are abundant. Students must have direction and determination with a focused approach to reaching their destiny. A programme like PEM will give them the direction and the determination to move ahead is within.’ 

Prof. Sainath Malligemadu, Principal, SDM-MMK, thanking SDM-IMD, mentioned that such add-on programmes will help students to learn beyond prescribed syllabus and help to meet industry requirements.  ‘The 32 hours of the intensive programme covering Analytics, Finance, HR and General Management, focused on the essential skills to make the students be in the learning curve to enter the corporate world,’ said Dr. M.V. Sunil, Head, Academic Administration, SDM-IMD. Dr. S.N. Prasad, Deputy Director, proposed a vote of thanks.

This post was published on June 11, 2022 3:36 pm