Admit asymptomatic patients to Covid Care Centres

District in-Charge Secretary N. Jayaram holding a meeting with Mysuru District Officers at ZP auditorium in city yesterday.

District-in-Charge Secretary holds review meeting 

Mysore/Mysuru: Mysuru District-in-Charge Secretary and Zilla Panchayat Administrative Officer N. Jayaram has opined that it was better to admit asymptomatic Corona positive patients to Covid Care Centres in order to check the growth of COVID-19 pandemic in the district.

Addressing a review meeting of District Officers at Zilla Panchayat auditorium here yesterday, he said if home isolated patients in rural areas flout Covid guidelines there was every possibility of spreading this contagion to neighbours. So, such patients must be convinced to get admitted into nearby COVID Care Centre. But in urban areas, if some positive patients do not have basic facilities at home even they should be shifted to Covid Care Centre.

Jayaram said Covid Mitra was a good concept and it has been helpful to provide treatment at initial stage to prevent the situation going out of control.

Picture shows Jayaram interacting with MLA Tanveer Sait and others at Beedi Hospital.

The IAS Officer later visited Covid Mitras Centres at Beedi Workers Hospital, Varakodu Morarji Desai Residential School, Keelanapura PHC and Siddaramanahundi PHC.

The District in-Charge Secretary was accompanied by Additional Deputy Commissioner Dr. B.S. Manjunathaswamy, ZP CEO A.M. Yogesh, MCC Commissioner Shilpa Nag, MUDA Commissioner Dr. D.B. Natesh,  Deputy Secretary Premkumar, MMC&RI Dean and Director Dr. C.P. Nanjaraj, District Surgeon Dr. Rajeshwari, DHO Dr. T. Amarnath, District Urban Development Cell Planning Director Arshad Sharief and others.

This post was published on May 22, 2021 6:37 pm