‘Advantages of space programmes should reach common man’

Mysuru: JSS College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Ooty Road, had organised a special lecture on the topic “Space Technology” by eminent space scientist, Dr. S.K. Shivakumar, former Director of Indian Space Research Organisation Satellite Centre (ISAC) and presently the Chairman of Karnataka Science and Technology Academy, Government of Karnataka.

Dr. Shivakumar, in his address, spoke about the importance of space technology to the country. He explained how India has come under lime light today in the context of space and also told that our nation is in the forefront in this area.

Dr. Shivakumar talked about the functions of ISRO and said that the organisation is not only focussed on rocket launch and maintenance but also concentrating on application of satellites to common man.

He had proud feeling to say that he was one of the members of MARS Mission which speaks about the success story of India.

Later, through power point he explained in detail about the milestones of different satellites of the last couple of years and continuing his talk, said also about the failures of several launches and highlighted how they were overcome.

Dr. Shivakumar gave a glimpse of the ongoing spacecraft projects along with the mechanism of working which created interest among the audience.

There was a good response from the audience as more questions were poured-in.

Finally, he concluded saying that India has put enormous effort in space technology which inspired the students and he hoped that more research programmes would be taken up in future to contribute to the nation.

Dr. B.Y. Satishkumar welcomed and Prof. S. Linganna proposed a vote of thanks.

College campus Chief Executive, Prof. B.V. Sambashivaiah, Principal, Prof. M. Mahadevappa, members from KSTA, teaching staff and students were present during the occasion.

This post was published on October 16, 2017 6:45 pm
