An appeal to Railways


With the recent conversion of Chamarajanagar-Tirupathi- Chamarajanagar trains (16219 and 16220) from Fast Passenger to Express mode, we expected positive changes in service too, but there is none.  Journey time remains the same post-conversion also and the number of halts enroute has’nt reduced either.

Added to this, unreserved passengers get into the reserved compartments in large numbers unabatedly and there is none to check it.  I often have seen clashes between reserved and unreserved passengers over seat occupation.   Only improvement (!) is the hike in fare owing to conversion. What kind of service is this?

Will the SWR initiate steps to at least ensure seat availability to reserved passengers in bogies exclusively meant for them?

– N. Devarajan , Nanjangud, 27.9.2017

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This post was published on October 6, 2017 6:40 pm
