Awareness on breast cancer created through mural art

Mysuru: Mysore Amity Ladies Circle 108 and Mysore Amity Round Table 156, in association with Cheluvamba Hospital, had organised a compound painting activity to create awareness about Breast Cancer. This mural art, a therapeutic form, was created with the aim to raise awareness on Breast Cancer. The brainchild behind the mural wall paintings was Rajkumar, renowned artist from city.

The unveiling of the mural wall painting was attended by Dr. Rajendra Kumar, Medical Superintendent of Cheluvamba Hospital and members from the Club. Aparna Ranga, Chairperson of Mysore Amity Ladies Circle 108 and Suraj, Chairman of Mysore Amity Round Table 156, were present.

Speaking on the occasion, Aparna Ranga said, “The purpose of this art is to empower and educate every woman about the value of performing self-breast exams so that everyone has an equal chance of getting the right treatment and in the right time. We hope that the artwork will draw attention to that fact and demonstrate to the neighbourhood that we stand with them in this struggle. This year we rise to ensure that every woman has access to the screenings she needs and the mental support she deserves. Thus, we rise and raise our voices together in screening for everyone.”

This post was published on January 2, 2023 8:23 pm