Awareness on Energy Savings

Awareness on Energy SavingsAwareness on Energy Savings

Mysore/Mysuru: Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited (KREDL) in association with Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering and Technology (VVIET) had organised an awareness programme on Energy Savings under General Awareness Programs on Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency for engineering students and public, sponsored by Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, Government of India, recently.

With the objective of creating a sense of responsibility among students and public towards the current energy crisis and inspiring them to take action to spread awareness on renewable energy resources, the programme aimed at increasing the knowledge of economics on a range of renewable energy technologies, their applications and economics of use.

KREDL Technical Officer D.K. Dinesh Kumar inaugurated the awareness programme. Speaking on the occasion, he said that global warming can be reduced only when our dependency of energy consumption from thermal plants, green house gas and other sources which release huge amount of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere shifts towards renewable energy. 

He also stressed the need for spreading environmental awareness and encouraging the citizens to maximise the usage of energy saving LED bulbs, LED tubes and 5 star rated  electrical domestic appliances.

Dr. T.S. Manjunatha,  Principal, VVIET,  said renewable energy like solar power would never deplete and should be harnessed efficiency to deal with power crises.

More than 300 students got first-hand understanding of how solar water heaters, solar cooking stoves, LED street-lights and solar LED lamps work. The energy is not only renewable, but clean and hence “green” was the take home message

Around 50 engineering students played Energy Saving skits in public areas like Shopping Malls, Parks etc., and also visited 250 houses and educated housewives on effective utilisation of electricity and also use of 5-star rated electric appliances.

Dean Dr. C.S. Chidhan Kumar, Programme Convenor and HoD of E&C Dr. Bindu A. Thomas, HoDs of various Departments and teaching and non-teaching staff were present.

This post was published on June 14, 2022 6:22 pm
