Awareness session on Cervical Cancer

RCC Vinyas, the CSR wing of Vinyas Innovative Technologies, a leading Electronics Manufacturing Company based in Mysuru, in association with Rotary Club of Mysore Midtown, headed by Rtn. Dr. Ravindranath Shroff, has taken up an initiative to educate girls on the importance of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine and also vaccinate them for the same. The inaugural session of this project is scheduled on Feb. 10 at Koorgahalli Government School, Mysuru, at 10 am.  An awareness session on the topic “Truth about Cervical Cancer and the importance of getting a vaccine for HPV” will be addressed by renowned Gynecologist Dr. S.J. Seema (OBG) from Apollo BGS Hospitals, Mysuru.

In the 1st phase of this project, the girl students in the age group of 9-18 years along with their parents will be educated on Human Papillomavirus followed by vaccination drive in the 2nd phase.  Most cervical cancers are associated with HPV, a sexually transmitted infection. Widespread immunisation with HPV vaccine can reduce the impact of cervical cancer and other cancers by HPV.

This post was published on February 9, 2022 3:38 pm