Ban orders around Exam Centres in city tomorrow

Mysore/Mysuru: With the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducting NDA (National Defence Academy), NA-II (Naval Academy) and CDS-II (Combined Defence Services) exams on Sept.3 at four centres in Mysuru, the City Police have clamped prohibitory orders in 200 mts. radius around all the exam centres  from 6 am to 6 pm tomorrow. The exam centres are: Maharaja Government PU College, JLB Road; Marimallappa’s PU College, Sitavilas Road; Maharani Government PU College, N.S. Road and Government PU College, Vontikoppal.

TET exam on Sept. 3

As the Department of School Education will conduct Karnataka TET (Teacher Eligibility Test-2023) at 35 exam centres across the city on Sept.3, the Police have clamped ban orders in 200 mts. radius around all exam centres from 6 am to 6 pm.  Accordingly, barring the examinees and the exam personnel, no unauthorised person will be allowed entry to the exam centres tomorrow.

Also, all photocopy shops in the vicinity have been asked to shut down for the day, according to a press release issued by the Office of the City Police Commissioner.

This post was published on September 2, 2023 7:30 pm
