Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (BVB), Mysuru, Talukina Venkannaiah Smaraka Granthamale and Kannada Sahitya Kala Koota

The book ‘Green Room Galate,’ based on the comedy play in Kannada, by N. Ramanuja will be released by Poet and writer Dr. H.S. Venkatesh Murthy, theatre artiste Rajashekar Kadamba speaks about the book, Director of NIE H.N. Ramathirtha guest of honour, BVB Mysuru Chairman Dr. A.V. Narasimha Murthy presides, BVB Mysuru Vice-Chairman K.B. Ganapathy, Hon. Secretary P.S. Ganapathy and others will be present, Bhavan’s Priyamvada Birla Institute auditorium, Vijayanagar, 11 am.



This post was published on August 6, 2018 5:40 pm