Bogadi Road concrete median causes near-fatal accident

Bogadi Road concrete medianBogadi Road concrete median

Mysore/Mysuru: Even as memories of recent fatal accidents caused by unscientific road humps and a fallen tree on Bogadi Road remain fresh in people’s minds, randomly placed concrete medians sans reflectors are now posing a serious threat to commuters.

In an incident last night on Bogadi Road, a 59-year-old man (name withheld on request) narrowly escaped a potentially deadly accident when his car collided with one of these medians.

The man was heading towards his residence in Kuvempunagar at around 9.30 pm when he unexpectedly encountered the median. Struggling to maintain control, he collided with the median, causing substantial damage to the front right portion of his vehicle.

The sudden impact caused him to strike his head on the windshield, resulting in head injuries that required immediate medical attention at a nearby private hospital.

Adding to the peril, streetlights were switched off at the time of the accident.

The force of the accident resulted in the victim being trapped inside the vehicle, requiring assistance from passers-by and the Police to open other doors for his release. Onlookers said that the streetlights were later switched on, facilitating the towing of the  victim’s vehicle.

The victim is currently undergoing treatment at a hospital, and according to the doctors, his condition is stable and out of danger. He is being closely monitored. The damaged vehicle has been kept at Kuvempunagar Traffic Police Station and a formal complaint will be filed.

Despite numerous complaints, the authorities have failed to address the issue by installing/fixing reflectors on these concrete medians.

This problem is not isolated to one location; similar hazards exist at various spots throughout the city.

This post was published on February 14, 2024 7:44 pm
