Book talk: Salvation from sorrow

Title: The Path of from Sorrow

Author: Acharya Mahashraman

Translator:   Samani Vinay Pragya

Pages:   156

Price:     Rs. 100

Publisher:  Jain Vishva Bharathi Ladnun, Rajasthan (2018)

Jain Acharya Maha-shraman’s simple-to-follow prescriptions for leading a purposeful and satisfying life free from sorrow by limiting desires presented in this booklet drawing from Rajasthani literature conforms to the Kannada saying Asseye dukhhakke moola which translates to “Desire is the root cause of sorrow.” 

The guidelines suggested by the monk are based on Jain Philosophy focussed on eschewing anger, ego, greed and attachment to worldly things. His five maxims of spiritual practice — 1. Mind-body harmony, 2. Restraint of reaction, 3. Universal amity, 4. Restraint on food (mithaahara) and 5. Restraint of speech (mithabhashana) — are present through anecdotes drawn from the ways of life in society. The benefits of controlling anger and avoiding harsh words through continuous practice can be appreciated by reading the biographies of great personalities and learn how calmly they dealt with life’s problems bugging everyone, according  to the Monk, respected for dedicating his life to elevate spirituality, culture and human conduct.


This post was published on December 30, 2019 6:05 pm