Boost up business

In Feng Shui, every physical object around us produces a corresponding effect, either good or bad. The smallest change in these objects’ arrangements can spell the difference between success and failure, between a bustling business and a doomed enterprise, between a happy marriage and one riddled with irritants, between long life and bad health.

Aligning the interiors and the furnishing alone ensures excellent Feng Shui when tuned with the compass directions and one can achieve a lot through these methods and proper alignments.

When we adapt the oriental science for designing new homes or a office, the primary concern is to get the space to be in tune with the occupants.

In a office set up, it does get tricky as it has to keep in mind many different individuals to be working from there. The location of the office is not normally something over which we have control but its internal layout can make a great difference to the way people feel and behave.

Feng Shui operates by making a building work for the people who use it. Apart from enhancing the potential of the company, it also has its implications on the individual workers and their own aims and aspirations.

In most organisations, implementation of Feng Shui would depend on the co-operation and interest of the organisation, but even in cases where this is not forthcoming individual employees adapt it for their personal space to derive its benefits.

The first step toward prosperity is to get the stuck ‘Chi’ (energy) within us and around us flowing again. The main cause of being stuck is clutter. Clutter includes piles, disorganisation, things you no longer need, use, or love, anything in disrepair, unfinished projects; and dirty things.

To activate business prosperity is everyone’s desire and getting it right through science of Feng Shui ensures that the prosperity is long lasting and fulfilling. Business prosperity also means having a smooth relationship with the outside world, good networking luck and support. Hence, the perception that prosperous business is making a lot of money is not the right interpretation.

To activate good business luck, apart from all the Feng Shui adjustments in terms of layout, decor and design one can use symbolism to  further enhance the prospects.

• Place a pink lotus crystal on a rotating base to activate turn over and wealth.

• Display birds or picture of birds close to entrance which signifies arrival of positive vibes and pleasant news.

• Natural rocks of semi precious stones, quartz, amethyst or citrine will good bring relationship luck and support from  staff aiding in better productivity.

• A very effective cure to enhance prosperity in Feng Shui is the use of moving water. Water and fish are linked to prosperity in Feng Shui. Hence, placing an aquarium in the prosperity corner would activate the good Feng Shui of your home.


This post was published on March 18, 2019 6:13 pm