‘Budget session in July’

Budget session in JulyBudget session in July

Bengaluru: Chief Minister Siddharamaiah said the Budget session of the new Assembly will be held in July.

Speaking to presspersons after the first Cabinet meeting here yesterday, Siddharamaiah said the new Government’s first Budget will be presented in July. Pointing out that the current Budget size is Rs. 3.10 lakh crore, he said this size will be expanded to Rs.3.25 lakh crore, so as to make provision for implementation of the five guarantees.

Asserting that all Indira Canteens in the State will be revived, Siddharamaiah said he has directed the officials to provide inputs on the current status of the canteens. 

The Indira Canteens were established across the State by the previous Siddharamaiah headed Congress  Government (2013 to 2018).

This post was published on May 21, 2023 7:34 pm
