Burglary bid goes awry

Carpenter injured while escaping from Professor’s house

Mysore/Mysuru: They say old habits die hard and this rings true for a carpenter in Mysuru who couldn’t resist the urge to steal despite receiving counselling and guidance.

In a tale of persistence in crime, this carpenter attempted to burgle the house of a Professor who had advised him to abandon his criminal ways. However, his endeavour ended abruptly as he was caught red-handed during the burglary attempt and sustained serious injuries while trying to escape by jumping from the building.

The incident occurred at Manasinagar on Saturday, at the residence of Dr. Balaji, a Professor at a college in the city. The carpenter, identified as Ravi, has been admitted to the hospital with serious injuries.

Ravi had been hired for carpentry work at Dr. Balaji’s residence. Since Ravi resided elsewhere and commuted daily for work, Dr. Balaji had provided him with accommodation within the house premises for convenience.

It has been revealed that Ravi had been involved in theft on three previous occasions and had been arrested.

Dr. Balaji had counselled him to abstain from such activities and focus on his craftsmanship, which offered ample opportunities for earning a livelihood, given his skill.

Dr. Balaji had also cautioned Ravi that further incidents of theft would result in Police cases. Following his promise to mend his ways, Ravi refrained from stealing and diligently focused on his carpentry tasks, earning the trust of Dr. Balaji and his family.

However, not renouncing his old habits, Ravi managed to obtain a duplicate key to the house and attempted burglary when Dr. Balaji came to his house unexpectedly. Upon discovering the unlocked door, despite having secured it before leaving, Dr. Balaji suspected a break-in and promptly alerted the Police, urging them to hurry and arrest the culprits.

When the Police arrived, Dr. Balaji accompanied them into the house. Upon seeing the Police and Dr. Balaji entering, Ravi attempted to escape by tying a bed sheet to the iron grills of the balcony. Unfortunately, he fell from the balcony, sustaining serious injuries in the process.

Hearing the commotion, both the Police and Dr. Balaji rushed outside, only to find Ravi bleeding from the head and writhing in pain. The Police took Ravi into custody and arranged for his immediate admission to the hospital.

Mysuru Rural Police have registered a case and are currently awaiting Ravi’s recovery. Once his treatment is completed, they plan to take him into custody again for further questioning.

This post was published on May 20, 2024 7:43 pm