But… What is Zero Traffic Zone?

Mysore/Mysuru: What is the intent behind ‘Zero Traffic Zone’ plans around Mysore Palace as announced by District Minister Dr. H.C. Mahadevappa? Nobody knows. Our reporter could not get into details amid volley of questions being posed to the Minister.

Here are two explanations: Zero traffic protocols are used when VVIPs travel by road and the Police restrict public movement until their cavalcade passes. Also, a Zero Traffic Zone refers to an area where all vehicular traffic is prohibited or restricted at all times. The purpose is to prioritise pedestrian safety, reduce pollution and create a more pedestrian-friendly environment.

In such Zones, vehicles are not allowed and emphasis is placed on walking, cycling and public transportation as primary modes of transport. Zero Traffic Zones are often implemented in city centres, historic areas or places with high pedestrian activity to promote sustainable mobility and create a better urban environment.

This post was published on June 17, 2023 7:44 pm