Calling citizens to join hands with MUDA to make Mysuru greener

Mysore/Mysuru: Mysuru Urban Development Authority (MUDA), which has decided to increase the green cover in city by planting over 20,000 saplings at parks and roadsides, has also decided to utilise the services of interested individuals and organisations in this regard.

In a press release, MUDA Chairman H.V. Rajeev has stated that the MUDA is committed to increase the green cover in city and as of now, many individuals and nature lovers in association with MUDA are voluntarily taking care and maintaining mini forests in parks at various localities in city. 

He has lauded one Mariyappa, who has planted saplings of various species at Vijayanagar 3rd Stage Park and maintaining them. Rajeev has thanked former Mayor B.L. Bhyrappa for converting many parks into mini forests.

He has further stated that if Mysuru city has to be made a full-fledged Green City, the participation of nature lovers, interested individuals and organisations was necessary and added that there were plans to appoint ‘Tree Warden’ at every park coming under MUDA and urged interested persons and organisations to contact the MUDA Office in this regard.

He has further stated that interested individuals and organisations would be provided saplings by the Forest Department and necessary guidance on growing the saplings would be given.

Those interested may register their names by calling MUDA Assistant Horticulture Officer Dhanush on Mob: 97400-13259 or Environmental Engineer Mamatha Shreni on Mob: 97310-53082, the press release stated.

This post was published on June 24, 2021 6:33 pm