Career Opportunities

Display Metal Feng Shui element art or items in the Northwest, be it a metal bell, or even a photo in a metal frame.

Looking for a career break, new opportunity or change of job? Feng Shui can possibly aid in your pursuits. Career is an integral part of our life’s journey and choosing the right career and a job which is satisfying, is very important. While Feng Shui may seem like something you do when renovating or correcting your home, its applications can extend beyond the abode and into your job search.

Being focused, calm and less stressful helps in positive thinking and right decisions. Hence, creating the right environment and conducive atmosphere ensures that the job search is not too taxing. Fear,  insecurity, low self-esteem and feeling of unworthiness or guilt can keep the dreams at bay. Losing confidence and creating negative vibes pushes away all the opportunities which knock the door.

When such negative feelings build up, the soul becomes increasingly sad and dejected which makes the process of finding a break very difficult as the focus is lost and the heart is not in the pursuits. Feng Shui is all about maintaining harmony and good ‘Chi’ or universal life force energy. Having good Chi is essential for a job search and along with it, a bit of housekeeping will ensure that stagnation and obstacles hindering new opportunities are diluted.

From the outside, assess the cleanliness and attractiveness of your doorway,  activate and use the front or main door, even if you usually don’t use it. This creates and activates an opening and overall emphasis on flow. For new opportunities or promotions, focus on the  north and Northwest areas of the home. Enhancing the energy of this sector will improve the flow of Chi and help you advance. Apart from clearing clutter in the North sector, empowering the sector with  helpful elements like a lucky bamboo plant or crystals can be useful.

There are many Feng Shui cures to aid and assist in the  career growth. However, what is most important is that the person looking for the break  should clearly define the aspiration and intention. Water has a powerful effect on career growth in Feng Shui. Its dual energy and serenity mirrors the very qualities necessary for a successful professional path. Place small table fountain or an elegant piece of artwork depicting water in your home office or North sector of your home, but not in the bedroom.

  • Display Metal Feng Shui element art or items in the Northwest, be it a metal bell, or even a photo in a metal frame.
  • A water feature or a mirror in the North is excellent, or add colours blue and black.
  • Colours like red, purple and gold are heavily associated with wealth. However, these colours are dramatic and deep, and hence, should not be used in abundance. Instead, use them as creative accent pieces for your bedroom’s gentle colour scheme.
  • In the house, consider new plants that you can watch develop as they begin to mature or try enjoying some fresh flowers weekly.
  • Use aroma diffusers of orange, lime or lavender to cleanse the space.


This post was published on December 24, 2018 6:21 pm