Catholic Christians to take out Peace Rally on Sunday

Mysore/Mysuru: Strongly opposing the false propaganda by some through social media and other platforms, the Mysore Catholic Christian Association under the banner of Mysore Diocesan Laity Voice, will take out a silent procession in the city at 3 pm tomorrow (Feb.5).

Announcing this at a press meet here yesterday, community leader Mathew Suresh of ‘Janadhwani’ said that for three years, the Catholic Christian community has gone through trauma and turbulence due to false and fabricated content through social media. Alleging that the image of the Church is being distorted through social media, he said that this is nothing but an evil act by some disgruntled elements aimed at disturbing Catholic Christian  faith.

The Peace Rally will commence from St. Philomena’s Church premises  to ‘Sanmaargi’, the new Bishop House in Bannimantap, where a memorandum will be submitted to the Administrator,  he said adding that those who do not have minimum faith and responsibility were targeting the Church, which is unfortunate.

Community members Premanand D’Mello, Emily, John W. D’Souza, James and A. Xavier were present at the press meet.

This post was published on February 4, 2023 7:46 pm