CFTRI-GRAAM to establish rural women entrepreneurship in Mysuru district


CFTRI Director Dr. K.S.M.S. Raghavarao and GRAAM Chairman Dr. R. Balasubrahmaniam sign the MoU during a virtual event in the presence of GRAAM’s Executive Director Dr. Basavaraju R. Shreshta and CFTRI’s senior scientists P. Manilal and Dr. R. S. Matche.

Mysore/Mysuru: CSIR-CFTRI (Central Food Technological Research Institute) and GRAAM (Grassroots Research and Advocacy Movement), Mysuru, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Aug.20 to provide a mutual technical – social collaboration for establishing rural livelihood initiatives in India. 

The memorandum was signed on behalf of GRAAM by Dr. R. Balasubramaniam, Chairman, GRAAM and Dr. K.S.M.S. Raghavarao, Director, CFTRI. 

Dr. Basavaraju R. Shreshta,  Executive Director of GRAAM, Dr. R. S. Matche,  Head TTBD, P. Manilal, Head, PMC and Raghavendra, TTBD Department were present at the signing event that was held on a virtual platform. 

The memorandum serves to provide a framework for understanding and co-operation between both the institutions in implementing rural livelihood projects. As part of the MoU, CFTRI will extend technical support for planning production unit, technical training to women entrepreneurs, quality assurance, etc. 

GRAAM, having rich expertise in developing livelihood model for rural communities based on rural wealth creation principles, will handhold the women entrepreneurs with necessary capacity building, training, mobilising and motivating them to be find a sustainable livelihood. 

GRAAM also intends to develop a brand for products produced by women entrepreneurs. The project aims at developing a resurgent economy in rural India by adding value to local agricultural produces. The programme is expected to benefit entrepreneurs as well as farmers in rural areas. 

As the first initiative under the framework of this MoU, GRAAM is implementing a social business project in a selected village of Mysuru district. The goal of the project is to support rural women entrepreneurs to develop a sustainable livelihood. GRAAM will establish a millet-based value-added product manufacturing unit and will handhold the women entrepreneurs to streamline the business functions in a sustainable manner. The project is being supported by WuerthElektroniks, a 75-year-old multinational company which is a world market leader in the sale of assembly and fastening materials. 

Dr. R.S. Matche assured necessary support from CFTRI with required technology to develop a state-of-the-art processing unit and nutritious millet-based food products. 

Dr. Basavaraju of GRAAM, highlighted the importance of partnership between a development organisation like GRAAM and a technical institution like CFTRI to impact the rural women and rural economy. 

Dr. R. Balasubramaniam said the project will add value to rural women entrepreneurs, consumers, CFTRI, GRAAM, and others who involve in the project. 

Dr. Raghavarao said this initiative will  improve rural livelihood and assured support to GRAAM.

This post was published on August 29, 2020 6:30 pm
