Chamarajanagar, lone COVID-free district in State

Chamarajanagar COVID-free district in KarnatakaChamarajanagar COVID-free district in Karnataka

Chamarajanagar: Yesterday, Ramanagara District that was a Green Zone with no cases, reported the first COVID-19 positive case and with this, Chamarajanagar earned the distinction of becoming the only Corona-free District in Karnataka, despite contiguity with Tamil Nadu, the hotbed of positive cases.

Chamarajanagar is counted among the State’s most backward districts and shares its border with Tamil Nadu that is a hotbed of COVID-19 cases. Yet, Chamarajanagar has successfully managed to keep the deadly pandemic at bay. This, despite the movement of vehicles from neighbouring Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

Rigorous screening at check-posts set up on the borders has enabled Chamarajanagar to remain a Green Zone. Lockdown in the district was strictly enforced from the very first week of March. There are six check-posts across Chamarajanagar and the officials and staff subject every person entering the district to stringent medical examination.

These measures have been initiated by the Chamarajanagar District Administration led by Deputy Commissioner Dr. M.R. Ravi, Superintendent of Police Anand Kumar and Health and Family Welfare Officer Dr. M.C. Ravi. Working on their orders are an army of ASHA workers, healthcare staff, Police and Panchayat-level and Booth-level officers who have surveyed lakhs of households looking for the vulnerable section.

The survey was launched on Apr. 15 and its purpose was to check for SARI (Severe Acute Respiratory Infection) and ILI (Influenza-like Illness). The survey gave inputs to the administration about the community spread that was non-existent in the District.

“Our check-posts are manned by Police, Revenue Department and medical personnel and every vehicle was sanitised and the passengers screened. Even the empty trucks coming in from Kerala and Tamil Nadu to procure vegetables were thoroughly sanitised to prevent the infection from entering the district,” said DC Dr. Ravi.

“Yes, our district is virus-free and this was possible with the co-operation of people, officers and elected representatives. This is not a time to bask in glory but we need to maintain the Green Zone status and that is a bigger responsibility,” he added.

People of Chamarajanagar have expressed their happiness on social media through WhatsApp and Facebook. Messages comparing COVID-19 to cricket matches is widely circulated. The messages posted are, ‘Chamarajanagar lifts corona cup’, ‘Chamarajanagar wins the green cup in COVID-19 20:20 match’, ‘Ee sala cup namde’ and ‘Not only CM and politicians, even corona fears our district’ are widely circulated.

This post was published on May 26, 2020 6:35 pm
