Chraisthara Pragathipara Samsthe

Christmas Celebrations with Blind and Release of Calendar-2018, MLC Ivan D’Souza chief guest, M.S. Maria Das, Advocate and Legal Advisor, Mysuru, K.T. Mathew Thomas, Dy.SP, Dept Enquiry Section, IGP Office, Rev. Fr. Backet D’Souza, Rev. K.P. Deva Kumar, Rev. Victor, Rev. Sr. Sujatha guests of honour, Puttaraju, Dist. Commissioner, Minority Division, Mysuru and Madhawa Rao, Karnataka Minority Community Development Corporation, Mysuru, special invitees, Gnanaprakash, President, Chraisthara Pragathipara Samsthe, will be present, CSI Wesley Church Guild Hall, St. Theresa Road, 10.30 am.


This post was published on December 18, 2017 5:53 pm