City Engineering College Projects get funds

Mysore/Mysuru: The Department of Information Science and Engineering (ISE), GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women (GSSSIETW), Mysuru, was funded five lakh for the establishment of ‘Forensic network analyzer for designing ISP network monitoring, security and management system’ by the Vision Group of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka under SMYSR (Seed Money to Young Scientists for Research), during the year 2018-2019. The Department is headed by Dr. Reshma Banu.

The outcome of the facilities created at the Department includes the sponsored student projects by funding agencies. 

Other projects that received funds are as follows:

The Project Developed by Shravanthi D. Jain, M. Bhanupriya, H.V. Akshatha and B.K. Keerthana titled ‘Cyber Physical Systems: Design if User Interface for interaction with Heterogeneous Vehicles’ was funded with Rs.15,000 at the IEEE Bangalore Section Student Innovation Project Fund 2018-2019. The Project Developed by R. Varshitha, Ameena Firdous, P.S. Shubha and M. Niveditha titled ‘Smart helmet for delivery boy safety control and activity analyzer using IOT’ was funded with Rs. 12,000 by Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology (KSCST) for the year 2018-2019.

Safura Zohareen was awarded Rs. 10,000 at ‘ANTARPRERANA’ organised by Entrepreneurship Development of India, a Government of India initiative, for presenting the idea for designing a Bookery website for best online and offline book stores for those looking to buy new or used books.

Fifteen more sponsored projects, carried out during the academic year 2019-2020 guided by Dr. Reshma Banu, P. Chaya, Ayesha Taranum, M. Anand, G. Soumya Dath and K.C. Thangamma, have been implemented successfully and working models of these projects are exhibited in funded programme specific lab of the Department — MONOSEK Laboratory. The Department is having Research Centre to promote R and D activities for both staff and students.

This post was published on November 13, 2020 6:31 pm