Clearing career obstacles

Feng Shui is about how the space you live and work in affects your mood, energy level and your decisions. There are specific guidelines to generate a healthy energy flow in the architecture as well as in the design and furniture arrangement. In a building, to enhance the positivity of the place and assist in the dreams and aspirations.

The words ‘Feng Shui’ refer to ‘Wind’ and ‘Water’, two forms of energy without which we cannot survive. The practice aims to cultivate the life-force energy of Qi that brings both their life-enhancing  properties.

By making the appropriate changes to your physical environment, you shift the energy flow and prime your subconscious to recognise success opportunities.

For a home, primarily ensure that you do not have obstacles in the pathway leading to the main door as it blocks opportunities coming to you. The best Feng Shui in your home will come from having an entranceway that is spacious and free from clutter.  This will allow energy to enter your home in an unrestricted manner.

Observe the main entrance of your home and that of your neighbour or opposite home.  Entrances to the home should not be located in direct lines with each other.  If they are, an easy solution to this is to use a large indoor plant or a screen in order to break up the straight lines.

Office is where you focus your energy in order to be productive and prosperous hence  make sure the Feng Shui energy in your office is as strong as possible. Although home is equally important office Feng Shui does have a significant influence on the individual’s career prospects.  Feng Shui provides a technique that enables one to earn more recognition, invite more opportunity, and attract the eye and support of peers and mentors.

Making changes and enhancements for your career brings new opportunities. Hence when one attempts to make changes the door of new opportunities and more choices opens up. This gives one more control over career and life and aspect of the individual.

Few of the small changes one could attempt in an office environment and home are :

  • Try having a few inspirational items or quotes in your office will to help bring positive career energy into your space. These items should not become clutter.
  • Place a lamp with metal or glass base at North of the living room. The metal or glass will help strengthen career energy and the light will illuminate your thoughts and aspirations for your career.
  • Put a small glass bowl with crystals in North sector of your office and home. For career success Lapis Lazuli, Smoky Quartz, Hematite are good.
  • Keep the light on in your office as much as possible or find natural sources of light to help keep your working area bright and cheery. This also attracts energy and career luck.


This post was published on October 23, 2017 6:24 pm