Clearing Roadblocks

By S.B.S. Surendran, Accredited Master Feng Shui Consultant

Many a times, our dreams, aspirations and desires face sudden roadblocks and things which have been sure of happening seem to remain a mirage. At times, such obstacles could be due to the individual zodiac luck not favourable or could be the cause and effect of the place of dwelling and immediate environment.

To understand the cause and effect of the surrounding, it calls for a Feng Shui “eye”  and the key to creating the  energy that bring good luck is in knowing what needs to be fixed. Although this sounds simple enough, tracking down the root of an inauspicious element or placement can take experience and at times luck too. A place generating bad energy or filled with negative energy could cause immense obstacles and trouble to the occupants. These unfavourable vibrations can accumulate practically anywhere in your home, in furniture, carpets and even in the air. However, one can get  rid of these negative vibes quiet easily by working with the four elements.

However, to activate good energy, it primarily calls for cleansing of the space. Space cleansing can begin with de-cluttering and giving away unwanted things.  Along with this, using sea salt dissolved in water and mopping the floors will help taking away stagnation and predecessor Chi. Once the place has been cleansed, we can adapt the natures  four elements to bring in balance and serenity.

  • Air can be used to cleanse space. This can be done by opening up doors and windows for long hours. Along with air, chanting prayers or bells can be used to carry sound energy and air deeper into the place.
  • Earth energy can be used to ground unpleasant vibes. The earth has also given us an abundance of crystals to use for this purpose. Amethyst, clear quartz, black obsidian, citrine and carnelian are just a few that can transmute and repel negative energy. Place them in the corners of your house or near the entrance to ward off those bad vibes. Sea salt in porcelain bowls placed in the corners of the house and changed regularly can absorb bad vibes.
  • Fire energy is very powerful in bringing in new opportunities and burning out obstacles. It has also been a powerful tool for purification. Hence, using it in your home is as simple as lighting a candle. You could use it along with prayers, music or chanting with appositive intention and focus to clear the negativity from your house. Walking to all the corners and rooms of the house with the candle lit and prayer chanting is a deep cleanser.
  • Water is the universal solvent which can dissolve negative energy. Take pure water in a mug and leave it in early morning sunshine for few hours and to it add basil leaves, flower essence or essential oils. Next hold the mug in your left hand, place your right hand over the mouth of the mug and infuse it with your positive intentions, prayers or chanting and finally sprinkle or spray it in your home corners, carpets etc.


This post was published on May 14, 2019 7:20 pm