Mysuru: “Everyone must understand the importance of coins and notes of another era and should not ignore them. For instance, a two rupee coin of the Tipu era, fetched someone Rs.5 lakh,” said Prof. A.V. Narasimha Murthy, General Secretary, South Indian Numismatic Society, Chennai.
He was speaking after inaugurating the 28th annual conference of South Indian Numismatic Society organised by Department of Archaeology, Museums and Heritage, Mysuru and South Indian Numismatic Society (SINS) at the auditorium of the former’s office, here yesterday.
He said that it was a rare function as not many people have awareness about coins or numismatics. However, the magazine brought out by R V A Sai Saravan, Chennai, to create awareness about this great hobby is very laudable.
“Even the Indian Numismatic Society is bringing out a magazine non-stop since the last 15 years, which the Universities in America and UK also look forward to,” he said.
He recalled the ignorance of the people at the world-renowned Tirupati temple, where the coins collected in hundis, which weighed nearly 40 tons that included old and new coins, was dumped in various rooms in gunnysacks.
Prof. A.V. Narasimha Murthy (third from left), General Secretary, South Indian Numismatic Society, releasing a book titled ‘Studies in South Indian Coins’ at the inauguration of the 28th annual conference of South Indian Numismatic Society organised by Department of Archaeology, Museums and Heritage, Mysuru and South Indian Numismatic Society (SINS) in the city yesterday. Others seen are (from left) Dr. R. Gopal, Director, Department of Archaeology, Museums and Heritage, Bengaluru, Deputy Mayor Rathna Lakshman, Commissioner, Department of Archaeology, Museums and Heritage, Mysuru T. Venkatesh, R V A Sai Saravan, Chennai, Neuro Surgeon Dr. Raja Reddy, Epigraphy Institute, Mysuru, Director Dr. Munirathnam Reddy and Dr. T. Satyamurthy.
He said that when a team of 50 experts from the Numismatics Society went to study, they were surprised to find coins belonging to Chandragupta and Samudragupta period and there were also gold, silver and copper coins in the sacks.
A book titled ‘Studies in South Indian Coins’ written by Prof. Narasimha Murthy and Dr. T. Satyamurthy was released on the occasion.
Neuro Surgeon Dr. Raja Reddy, Epigraphy Institute, Mysuru, Director Dr. Munirathnam Reddy, Commissioner of Department of Archaeology, Museums and Heritage, Mysuru T. Venkatesh, Dr. R. Gopal, Director Department of Archaeology, Museums and Heritage, Bengaluru and Deputy Mayor Rathna Lakshman were present.
Delegates from Chennai, Coimbatore and Andhra Pradesh participated in the conference.
This post was published on January 7, 2018 6:35 pm