Continuation of NEP: Ex-VCs Forum clarifies


It was reported recently in a section of the Press that a few former Vice-Chancellors (VCs), at a meeting convened by different groups, have lent support for the continuation of National Education Policy-2020 (NEP-2020) in the State.

In this connection, the Forum of Former Vice-Chancellors of Karnataka (FVCK), Bengaluru, would like to clarify as follows:

1. Some Vice-Chancellors, who supported NEP are not the members of our Forum and, hence their opinion should be taken as purely personal.

2. Our Forum has not taken any decision so far on the continuation or discontinuation of NEP.

3. We shall clarify our stand if the Government or the proposed Expert Committee seeks our collective view on the subject.

4. We categorically disown the news item that NEP has the backing of former Vice-Chancellors.

– Prof. K.S. Rangappa, President, FVCK, Mysuru / Bengaluru, 28.8.2023

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This post was published on August 30, 2023 6:55 pm