Cop assaulted for stopping youth from peeing in public

Mysore/Mysuru: A Head Constable was assaulted by a youth for stopping him urinating near a park at Siddhartha Layout on Sunday night. The youth in question fled the spot in his car along with his accomplice after beating up the Policeman.

G.T. Murali, a Head Constable attached to the Nazarbad Police Station, was on night rounds when the incident occurred. He has been admitted to Gopala Gowda Shanthaveri Memorial Hospital.

As part of his night beat, Murali was moving in his patrol bike on the road near Siddharthanagar Skating Park where he found a youth urinating by the side of the park. Stopping his vehicle, Murali asked him not to dirty a public place. The youth stopped peeing and left the place in his car and had parked it at some distance. 

Later at around 7.30 pm, Murali had parked his bike and was surveying the area when the youth came with another person in his car and assaulted Murali with an iron rod. He hit his head with force and Murali fell down in pain. 

Learning about the incident, Nazarbad Inspector G.N. Srikanth and staff rushed to the spot and shifted Murali to the hospital. Murali told the Inspector that it was the same youth who was spotted passing urine near the Park. 

As the Head Constable could not identify the make of the car, the Police are checking CCTV footage. A case of assault on a duty-bound officer in uniform has been registered.

This post was published on September 28, 2021 6:35 pm