COVID: Checking continues at check posts

Checking continues at check postsChecking continues at check posts

Hawk eye vigil on inter-State vehicles

Mysore/Mysuru: In a bid to control the spread of COVID-19, checking of vehicles and screening of travels at check posts on all Highways and important roads connecting the district, continues.

From the day the lockdown rules relaxation was announced, the Police have continued with the checking and are now keeping a hawk eye vigil on vehicles with other States’ registration number plates.

The Police are conducting thermal screening of passengers besides collecting information such as from which place they are travelling, their destination, reason for travelling, returning date, mobile phone and Aadhaar card numbers.

In case the passenger’s body temperature is high or has come from other States, a confirmation would be made in this regard and such passenger or traveller will be put under Facility Quarantine.

The staff of the Health, Revenue and Police Departments, who are working in COVID-19 check posts are working for 24 hours in three shifts and all basic facilities have been provided at the spot of work on Mysuru-Bengaluru Highway, KRS Road, Hunsur Road, H.D. Kote Road, Nanjangud Road, T. Narasipur Road, Bannur Road and Mahadevapura Road. Jurisdictional Police have been deployed at the check posts.

This post was published on June 4, 2020 6:39 pm
