COVID vaccination: Three cheers to our health staff


My husband and myself took our first shot of Covid-19 vaccine and it gives me a sense of pride that our nation has managed the crisis so well. The credit should go to the Health Department and the medical staff. 

Now it is in our hands (the general public) to carry this mission forward by taking the vaccine. No country in the world has done so much of research, planning and deliverance as India. The way to get going is very simple. Here is what we did: 

1. Reached the Hospital (JSS Hospital, Mysuru) by 8.30 am after having breakfast at home and masked well, carrying the original Aadhaar card.

 2. A waiting number coupon is given and you are asked to sit at a designated place. 

3. At 9.30 am, the registration starts and after the entry is made, you pay Rs. 250 and the receipt is given. 

 4. You enter the examination room where your BP is checked and your other health problems monitored and sent for a final entry of details (all this took 5-7 minutes).

5. We enter the vaccination room and take the prick (one doesn’t feel it at all as the staff are chatting and making you smile).         

6. We are then directed to the observation room and made to relax for 30 minutes where a chair and bed is provided for each one. 

7. After the time period is over we are called, asked if we are feeling fine and then we leave with the request to come for the second dose when intimated.  

We were out of the Hospital by 10.15 am. We request the elder citizens to make use of the opportunity and take the vaccine at the designated Hospitals close to your place. Three cheers to all our frontline healthcare workers and the administrative workers !  

– Indira Ganapathy, Yadavagiri, 4.3.2021

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This post was published on March 10, 2021 5:58 pm