Feng Shui is not just about building structures, which are supposed to usher in ‘luck’ but a lot more. It is the art of spacing, positioning, planning and orienting not just the structure but also the furnishings to offer greater support to the occupants. In short, it is the study of the energy around the occupants, its cause and effect and the effect of the immediate surroundings or environment.
The principles of Feng Shui or Vastu can be applied either for an independent house or for apartment dwelling. Space is the fundamental source and energy for all things, for their origination and for their existence. This important scientific concept, the tradition of ancient Feng Shui or Vastu has been holding with it from times immemorial.
Designing spaces on the principles of Feng Shui or Vastu helps to diminish the problems of the occupants that relates to wealth, health, prosperity and happiness just by making a slight changes to your interior or exterior building configurations. Feng Shui, the Ancient Chinese Art of space design, has the same basis and the most important factor is to bring in what is known as ‘Life Force’ or ‘Chi’ energy into premises which empowers then occupants with positive feel.
Feng Shui has been adjusting the environment for thousands of years by adding or subtracting items from the environment to create smoother and harmonious energy. A proper understanding of the five elements, its influence on the occupants gives an insight in designing our living space more harmoniously.
Feng Shui and Vastu enhance the feel of the place and in turn act as a catalyst and motivational tool to the occupants to bring out the best in them. Yet there are many homes which have adapted the tenets of Vastu and Feng Shui and experience obstacles in their day to day activities and feel low and let down.
In order for energy to flow powerfully and for your space to support your mental and emotional well-being, the clutter must be cleared. The key is not just eliminating clutter from your environment, but from your mind and heart too. If you experience a situation of being plagued by inconsistency in your thoughts, actions and lack of concentration, then Feng Shui for your mind is very essential and could improve the situation.
In a good Feng Shui house floor plans, the main door should not be directly aligned with another door or a large window.
The door should also not align with a toilet door or closet and if it does have a toilet, place a divider or shield in the form of curtain or plants to block the line of sight of the main door.
Avoid stairs directly in line with main door especially those which are going downwards as it is said that the energy roll away.
Bathroom is ruled by the planet moon and represents a place of cleansing and rejuvenation. Toilets should not be too close to kitchen as the food energy and toilet energies are incompatible.
This post was published on December 23, 2019 6:06 pm