Decoding the Subtle Signals: Your Body’s Resistance to Sugar


Carbohydrate intolerance is a common condition, but its symptoms are often overlooked or misdiagnosed. It occurs when the body has trouble breaking down foods high in starch or sugar, such as processed snacks, some fruits, and dairy products. 

When adults have trouble digesting Muscleblaze Whey Protein, or peanut butter, a seemingly healthy food that is widely available, it’s an indication that their bodies are having trouble processing carbohydrates. The negative effects of this intolerance on people’s health are more extensive than is commonly believed.

Experiencing Abdominal Discomfort

Sugar intolerance often first manifests as abdominal pain. Though they’re essential for good health, fruits and vegetables can sometimes cause digestive issues due to their high carbohydrate or starch content. Vegetables and fruits like corn, sweet potatoes, quinoa, bananas, oats, apples, and mangoes are all examples. Stomach pain may indicate a problem digesting sugars and carbohydrates, but this is not always the case. The symptom count tends to rise when this condition is present.

Feeling Nauseous

Intestinal pain is just one symptom of a sugar intolerance; other symptoms could include nausea and dizziness. Sugar can be found in some surprising places, such as in processed foods, salty snacks like chips or nuts, salad dressings, dips, pasta sauces, and instant oats. When shopping for food, it’s important to read labels carefully to avoid any unpleasant stomach problems.

Sweets Cravings 

Intense cravings for carbohydrate-rich foods are an odd symptom of carbohydrate intolerance. This might even manifest in an unusual longing for staple items, like a sudden interest in too much sugary flavoured peanut butter or just gulping whey protein isolate without too much thought. In addition to intolerance, hormonal fluctuations or nutritional deficiencies may also contribute to these desires.

Bloating Issues

After stomach pain and sickness, bloating is the next most common symptom of a sugar intolerance. Though some gas buildup is to be expected after eating a lot of food or a certain type of food, sugar should be avoided if you want to avoid the worst of the effects. Honey, agave syrup, corn syrup, molasses, brown sugar, and even white sugar all contain sugars that can cause or exacerbate abdominal distention.

Sudden Gas Symptoms

Gulping air while eating quickly can cause gassiness. When combined with the other symptoms listed above, chronic burping could be an indication that your diet needs some tweaking.

Bloating is another red flag that can result from consuming foods high in lactose, a milk sugar.

Fatigue Post-Meals

Another red flag for carbohydrate intolerance is feeling tired and needing a nap after eating a meal high in carbohydrates. Weakness, mood swings, and headaches are just some of the symptoms that can occur alongside fatigue.

Anxiety Issues

There is evidence that eating foods high in sugar, even healthy whey protein powder, which has added sugar can increase feelings of anxiety. If your body has trouble metabolizing sugar, even a small amount can give you the shakes.

Does this sound like something you’ve experienced after eating a sugary snack or too much of your favorite fruit? 

This post was published on November 16, 2023 7:20 pm