The Department of Studies (DoS) in Ancient History and Archaeology, Manasagangothri, Mysuru and Department of Ancient History and Archaeology, Maharaja’s College, Mysuru

Inauguration of three-day National Workshop on the theme “Temple Architecture and Iconography: In Sthapatis’ Perspective” by Prof. Dayananda Mane, Acting Vice-Chancellor, University of Mysore (UoM), Prof. A. Sundara, retd. Professor, Department of Ancient History and Epigraphy, Karnatak University, Dharwad, delivers the keynote address, K. Dakshinamoorthy Sthapati, Managing Trustee, Vastu Vedic Research Foundation, Chennai and A.H. Harirama Shetty, Director, SDM Dharmothana Trust, Dharmasthala, guests of honour, Prof. B. Nagarajamurthy, Principal, Maharaja’s College, special invitee, Prof. S. Nagaraju, retired Professor, Department of History, Central University, Hyderabad, presides, Seminar Hall, DoS in Chemistry, Manasagangothri, 10 am.



This post was published on October 8, 2017 4:50 pm