Designing Basement and Studio Homes

If your concern is to create a good bed space in a studio apartment and to shield your bed from interaction with other energies like kitchen etc., dividers would be required. Primarily they should create a protective energy for your bed and to camouflage, or prevent the bed from being a focal point of your whole home.

Designing a basement or a studio apartment as per Feng Shui is a challenging task. Most often there is little or no separation between your living, working and sleeping space. Adapting the Feng Shui tenets if the bedroom is part of the living room, and also the kitchen is in close proximity, is challenging as all these areas would be with no walls to separate and segregate the different types of energies.

This type of design of a studio or basement apartments is quite common in all big cities, however, this does not mean that one cannot have the benefit of good Feng Shui, hence it calls for proper tuning of the space. Creatively adapt Feng Shui elements to separate the space. If you wish to divide the south sector of your studio apartment from other activity areas, a tall plant, a wood screen, a wood bookshelf or a row of red curtains would help. Having knowledge of the five elements of Feng Shui and their interaction would help in choosing the proper remedy.

If your concern is to create a good bed space in a studio apartment and to shield your bed from interaction with other energies like kitchen etc., dividers would be required. Primarily they should create a protective energy for your bed and to camouflage, or prevent the bed from being a focal point of your whole home. Simple remedy would be to adapt a Free standing screen, or a bookcase without sharp corners or even a strategically placed tall plant (away from the bed) can serve this purpose.

Basement Feng Shui is equally challenging as one has to be aware of the accumulation of energies in basement zones for the fact that from the Feng Shui perspective, neglecting the state of your basement is like neglecting the energy of your foundation and in turn the energy of the occupants. The Feng Shui energy of a basement apartment is also determined by the activity in the upper floors or in other words getting to know what exists and the type of activity above. For example, a bathroom, cluttered space or open fire in the level immediately above the basement home could have a strong implication.

Primarily for ensuring good energy flow in a basement or studio apartment, ensuring that

  • The unit is Clutter free is vital.
  • Creatively dividing the various zones of open areas with proper Feng Shui elements to avoid clash is quintessential.
  • Improve the quality of air with essential oils, and certainly with opening your windows as often as possible.
  • Allow more sunlight to come in or keep bright lights turned on for long hours.
  • Adapt colour lighting to create a band width of light energy frequency and accentuate corners and walls.
  • Display portraits or pictures which depict activity and energy which will aid in raising the energy of the basement space.

By creating an inviting and good energy feel, you can transform your studio or a basement apartment to exude good Feng Shui which would in turn aid your activities and life.


This post was published on April 2, 2018 6:10 pm