Devaraja Market footpath occupied with huge umbrellas


Last week, I visited Devaraja Market with my mother to buy fruits and vegetables. I was shocked to see that half of the footpath, starting from Guru Sweets to the Market’s main entrance, was occupied by street vendors. There was barely any space left for pedestrians.

Adding to the inconvenience, the vendors had put up large umbrellas. How do they expect people to walk on the footpath? Why isn’t the MCC taking action against this?

These vendors have illegally taken over the footpath, and when confronted, they claim it’s because of the rainy season or the heat.

My question is: Who gave them the right to occupy half the footpath with massive umbrellas? The Corporation Office is just 500 metres away, yet the MCC continues to ignore this.

I urge the MCC Commissioner to take strict action against these street vendors and ensure free movement for pedestrians.

— Abhishek Bhat, Mysuru, 14.9.2024

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This post was published on September 16, 2024 6:55 pm