Digital Life Certificate: Govt. should identify areawise Common Service Centres

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This is with reference to the letter in SOM dated Nov. 18 by Kamala regarding the difficulty of pensioners in getting Jeevan Pramaan Digital Life Certificate (JP-DLC). Also referring your response regarding other options.

Yes, respective banks (any branch) are supposed to facilitate the JP-DLC biometric authentication for pensioners but the banks are not forthcoming to support the pensioners giving the excuse of Covid-19.

And further Government has authorised freelance service providers as Common Service Centre (CSC). However, the list provides name, location, CSC ID number but not phone number, address, making it difficult to visit or contact these people, thus seemingly making things difficult for senior citizens.

The bank (private) where I used to go earlier said this time they have not received the authentication yet due to Covid-19.

So due to travel plans and time shortage, I decided to buy approved Fingerprint scanner (Mantra MFS100), use JP website on PC to give the DLC. Everything was fine till the final step where it got stuck on the JP website – server response?

Eventually I used the FP scanner with mobile app Umang and it went through smooth for both me and my wife to get our JP DLC.

So this means expenses on scanner (and annual RD license from 2nd year), it saves other botherations. The Government should identify areawise CSC with proper standard rules, procedures, rates etc. Hopefully this helps others in the matter.

– Sanjay Simha, Vijayanagar 4th Stage, 19.11.2020

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This post was published on November 20, 2020 5:55 pm