Do & Learn: Gond, Warli Painting at IGRMS

Curious children take a look as Ram Singh Urveti of Patangarh in Dindori district of Madhya Pradesh is engaged in creating a piece of Gond tribal art at IGRMS premises recently. His wife Sathroopa is also engaged in adding colour to the art piece at the other end of the large drawing board.

The Education Programme under ‘Do & Learn’ series on Gond and Warli Tribal Painting from Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra respectively, organised by Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya (IGRMS), National Museum of Mankind, Mysuru, which is underway at Wellington House on Irwin Road in city from Oct.12, will conclude today.

The training, aimed at popularising the Indigenous Art and Crafts of India, was imparted by well-known artist Shivashankar Markam from Chhattisgarh.

Sakunlatha Kushram and Kamali Kushram with their Gond art.
Meenakshi and Manki Bapu Vaida from Maharashtra engrossed in Warli art.

This post was published on October 21, 2019 6:38 pm
