Do we require this kind of Parliamentary Democracy?


The budget session of both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha has been a total wash out without transacting any business. The opposition MPs rushing to the Well of the House shouting and creating a ruckus has resulted in repeated adjournments.

There were instances where only three MPs of AIADMK stalled the proceedings in Rajya Sabha and the House had to be adjourned repeatedly for two to three days! Why the Chairman of Rajya Sabha did not suspend these errant MPs and continue the proceedings of the House is a  mystery.

The moot point is if a handful of determined MPs can stall the working of the Parliament, why the Presiding Officers do not suspend these protesting law-makers and conduct the proceedings as per the provision of the rules of the House?

In a worst case scenario, a minority government can stall the introduction of a No Confidence Motion moved by the Opposition parties with an obliging Presiding Officer refusing to admit the motion under the garb of disorder in the House on a perpetual basis saving a minority government!

Do we require this kind of Parliamentary Democracy? This is not only a mockery but an insult to the people of India. These kind of stalling the Parliament and obstructing the functioning of the House will continue which ever party comes to power.

So what is the solution?  I believe, as a common citizen that the Parliamentary Democracy has outlived its utility under Indian context and a Presidential form of government perhaps is the only answer where  important policy decisions can be taken  by the President without having to get the Parliamentary approval  and run the affairs of the country effectively. Anyway this is  left to the future generation to take a call at an opportune time.

– K. Sunil Biddappa, Retd. Sr. VP, ITC Ltd., Mysuru, 6.4.2018

Note: Considering the multiple culture, language, religion and caste, a unitary government under a Presidential system may lead to dictatorship, periodic chaos and instability.

Therefore, a federal government, as it is now under a Parliamentary system, is, though not an ideal one, the best alternative we have to keep the unity of the country.

After all, the remedial solution for problems can always be found through the Constitutional provisions for amending the Constitution. Even in the Presidential form, as in the US, these amendments are the only cure for the problems.

– KBG, Editor-in-Chief

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This post was published on April 10, 2018 6:07 pm