Dog attack at Cheluvamba Park: A request for action


I had a horrible experience of being attacked by a pack of stray dogs while taking a walk at Cheluvamba Park in Yadavagiri. About 5 to 6 dogs, which were lying on the pathway, suddenly sprang to their feet as I walked past them and initially snarled at me. In no time, the snarl turned into a ferocious bark with all their canines and front teeth fully exposed. They started pursuing me as I tried to evade them.

I had the presence of mind not to turn my back and run away but to face them squarely and try to chase them away. However, upon seeing a group of people (regular walkers at the Park) approaching the spot, the dogs soon calmed down.

This incident exposes the lack of proper security at this beautiful Park, which provides a lung space to dozens of people of all age groups, who turn up for a morning walk. I hope the authorities will find an effective solution to this problem.

Due to the neglect and apathy of Mysuru City Corporation (MCC) personnel, animals stray into the Park since there is hardly any guard either at the gates or elsewhere in the Park. I once again urge MCC Zone 4 officials to take effective steps to put an end to this stray dog nuisance as quickly as possible.

I also request the MCC Commissioner to ban the entry of dogs inside the Park, not even dogs on leash, as sometimes it is found that some dog owners walk into the park with their dogs (with or without leash). It would be better to warn visitors to the Park not to pamper stray dogs by offering them eatables, which attract stray dogs into the Park.

– M. Jameel Ahmed, Yadavagiri, 20.6.2024

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This post was published on June 21, 2024 6:55 pm