Dr. Rathnavalli delivers talk on Dementia

Mysore/Mysuru: As part of the monthly health talk for the senior citizens, the Elder Citizens’ Council (ECC), Jayalakshmi-puram, had invited Dr. Rathnavalli Ellajosyula, an eminent neurologist and a specialist in cognitive neurology, Manipal Hospital, Bengaluru and Neurocare, Mysuru, for a talk on the topic ‘How can I become a super ager – Warning symptoms and prevention of dementia.’

Dr. Rathnavalli said that cases of dementia are on the rise and every one in 20 senior citizens, and one in five super seniors (over 80 yrs) are affected.

Explaining the symptoms of the dementia, she said most often, memory difficulties cause the person to misplace objects and forget conversations or recent events. Dementia has many risk factors and, low education, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, deafness, social isolation and lack of physical exercise are some important ones.

It is important to improve lifestyle so that we can prevent or postpone dementia, she said and emphasised that is also important to recognise warning symptoms and see a dementia expert for early diagnosis and treatment.

“Quitting smoking, renouncing mobile phones, indulging in healthy habits like yogasanas and meditation to activate the mind and body are some of the means to get rid of dementia and lead a normal life. This can also be achieved through exercises to be practised after consulting an able neurologist,” she said.

Dr. Ratnavalli Ellajosyula is keen about starting a Cogworks, an enrichment programme for dementia patients and normal elders to slow the progression of disease. Senior citizens can do voluntary service and get a dual benefit of helping others and improving their own health.

Dr. H.M. Nagaraj, ECC President, presided. S.V. Gowdappa, Chairman of the Trust, lauded Dr. Rathnavalli for serving senior citizens free of cost. Secretary K.S. Krishna welcomed. Prof. Javare Gowda proposed a vote of thanks.

Other members present included K.V.K. Naidu, Shylaja, K.V. Ramanath Vice-President of ECC, V.N. Achar, Latha, Ramesh and Sridhar. The ECC having over 600 senior and super-senior citizens as members conducts similar health talks on the first Monday of every month at 5 pm. Public can contact Mob: 98808-05994 for details, according to a press release from Secretary K.S. Krishna.

This post was published on April 30, 2023 7:31 pm