Dr. Seema Rao, a role-model to youngsters


Kudos to SOM for bringing out a remarkable story about Dr. Seema Rao (SOM dated Oct. 29) who is a proud daughter of Mother India. Many may not have heard of this “Wonder woman” who avoids limelight.

What surprises the readers of this interview is the dedication the lady displayed for more than two decades in training the Army Commandos  and Civil Police of more than sixteen States without any compensation. Well, that was her total surrender to the idea of service to the country.

During the discharge of this service she  was mercilessly shot by insurgents, suffered a vertebral fracture, could not attend her father’s funeral, suffered a temporary loss of memory due to head injury.

Dr. Seema Rao is a seventh degree black belt holder in military martial arts, a  fire fighter, a scuba diver,  a HMI medallist in rock climbing and wears many more colourful feathers in her cap. Inspired by her father’s patriotic fervour, she decided to forego motherhood. But, adopted one girl child.

Very sad that the  Government of India during Chidambaram’s tenure as Home Minister did not honour her with a much deserved rank (which she was to share with her husband Major Deepak Rao).

It is a different matter that the outside world did recognise her achievements and she was chosen for  “World Peace Award,” by World Peace Congress, Malaysia,  given by the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The United States of America decorated her with “Volunteer Service” Award.  She is also a recipient of  Three Army Chiefs Citations. A true patriot never gives up and certainly does not work for accolades and praises.  May their tribe increase.

– Prof. K.V. Satyan, V.V. Mohalla, 30.10.2017

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This post was published on November 2, 2017 6:40 pm