A five-day Drama Festival, organised by Sri Renuka Kala Vrinda, Mysuru, at the Town Hall in city, concluded recently. The following five-dramas were staged to mark the 30th anniversary of Sri Renuka Kala Vrinda: Shani Mahatheme, Tyagi, Sampoorna Ramayana, Daksh Yajna and Kuru Keshtra. Picture shows Kalyana Mantapa scene from the drama ‘Dakshna Yajna’ where Brugumuni expresses his views to Daksha Brahma regarding his daughter’s marriage.
A scene from ‘Sampoorna Ramayana’ where Dasharatha pleads Kakai Maharani not to send his son Rama to forest for 14 years.
This post was published on July 3, 2017 6:37 pm