Drunkards’ menace


This is to bring to notice of the authorities concerned about the drunkards menace at Kuvempunagar, right next to Kuvempu Jnana Thana on Vishwamanava Double Road (near A2Z supermarket), by the dusk.

This spot is becoming a safe haven for drunkards to have drinks in the open in their cars or two-wheelers, after which they discard the empty bottles and half-eaten food packets (see pics above).

This place is loved by elders/family members for an evening stroll and relaxing on those rock benches. Also, the morning joggers/walkers are welcomed by the discarded (sometimes broken) bottles and food packets, which is an eyesore.

It is very disheartening that such illegal activities are happening right next to Kuvempu Statue. I urge the Police to take strict action on the offenders and avoid such illegal activities

– A concerned citizen, Mysuru, 7.6.2023

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This post was published on June 30, 2023 6:55 pm