Eid-e-Chishtiya celebrations

Eid-Chishtiya celebrations as part of Hazarath Imaam Ali birth anniversary and 808 Annual Sandal Urus Shariff of Hazarath Khwaja Gareeb-un-Nawaz, will be held tomorrow (Mar. 4) at 9 pm at Moula Hussain Masjid Circle at Satyanagar in city. National scholar and Islamic cleric Hazarath Moulana Mufti Mohammed Shafeeq-ul-Khadree Hanfi (in pic), President of All India Assembly Thafuz-Namus-Ahle-Bait-Athar, Maharashtra, will be the main speaker. After the programme, dinner (Tabruk) has been arranged for the participants. For details, contact Mohammed Musheer on Mob: 77604-79514.

This post was published on March 3, 2020 3:44 pm