Elephant Census: Three-day census at Chamarajanagar to conclude tomorrow

Chamarajanagar: The three-day Elephant Census being undertaken by the Forest Department began in Chamarajanagar district yesterday. The census, which will be held from 6 am to 6 pm, will conclude tomorrow (May 25).

On the first day, census was carried out in Bandipur Tiger Reserve, Biligiri Ranganatha Tiger (BRT) Reserve and Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary by the Forest Department personnel. Yesterday, the census was conducted at 113 beats in 13 zones at Bandipur; 72 blocks in 43 beats at Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary by 162 Forest personnel and 170 staff conducted the census in BRT Reserve.

The staff have covered 15 kms by walk and have counted the elephants, including the number of males, females and calves and the number of elephants in a herd. A team of three Forest staff in each beat counted the number of elephants in the herd.

On the second day today, the Forest Department personnel, will conduct the census by identifying the dung to ascertain if it belongs to a single elephant or more and will take an approximate number.

On the third day, the Forest staff will conduct census near lakes and water bodies and will take the count based on the number of elephants coming to the water bodies.

After the conclusion of the census, the number of elephants counted in three days will be examined and an approximate number will be taken, said BRT Reserve Deputy Conservator of Forests (DCF) J. Deep.

Census held in 4 States simultaneously

The elephant census is being held simultaneously in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala during which elephants with exterior wounds, size of the tusks and male elephants without tusks will be identified. Also, a study on the movement of elephants and their behaviour will be conducted.     

This post was published on May 24, 2024 7:22 pm